2020 Top US Colleges By Open Title IX Investigations
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Missing Data vs. Official Surveys#

In 2015 and 2019, the Association of American Universities (AAU) and its 27 and 33 member schools respectively conducted a survey “to examine the prevalence of, and assess the campus climate regarding, sexual assault and misconduct at colleges and universities”. They found:

Problem: General Approval vs. Lived Experiences

The 66% reflected an approval rate among all interviewees, regardless if they have experienced campus sexual misconduct or if they have filed a report with the institution. What are the actual experiences of those who have experienced incidents that fall under the scope of Title IX? How was their experience seeking help, if they did, through official channels?

Lived Experiences

"It was a really stressful and confusing experience. While administrators at my institution knew about my situation, I had to find out on my own that what I experienced falls under Title IX."

"I eventually filed a case with the Department of Education, they decided to investigate but the case has been on-going for 5 years."

Above are responses gathered from an anonymous Title IX survey. Feel free to add to the dataset:

Question 1

Have you encountered sex-based discrimination that falls under Title IX while on college campus in the US?

Question 2

Did you report the incident to the institution?
(e.g. Title IX Officer/Administrator/Professor)

Question 3

Were you satisfied with how the institution handled your report?

Optional Question*

Could you share a bit about your experience?
(e.g. What was helpful/not helpful in terms of healing? What did you wish you had known?)

*You can leave this blank and press submit

Question 1

Have you encountered sexual harassment, sexual assault, or any other sex-based discrimination that falls under Title IX while on college campus in the US?


Question 2

Did you report the incident to the institution?
(e.g. Title IX Officer/Administrator/Professor)


Question 3

Were you satisfied with how the institution handled your report?


Optional Question

Could you share a bit about your experience?
(e.g. What was helpful/not helpful in terms of healing? What did you wish you had known?)